Economic Research

Bob Ekelund’s interests in economics have included a number of areas of study. Economic history, the history of economic thought and analysis, applied microanalytic studies of particular markets, the economics of regulation and, recently, the economics of religion and art. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 articles, pamphlets and reviews and 30 books on these topics, alone and with co-authors. They include Mercantilism as a Rent-Seeking Society (with Robert Tollison, Texas A&M University Press, 1981), Secret Origins of Modern Microeconomics  (with Robert Hebert, University of Chicago Press, 1999), Marketplace of Christianity (with Robert Hebert and Robert Tollison, MIT Press, 2006), Economic Origins of Roman Christianity (with Robert Tollison, University of Chicago Press, 2011), , and The Economics of American Art: Issues, Artists and Market Institutions (with John D. Jackson and Robert Tollison, Oxford University Press, 2017). His works have been translated into eight languages.

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